Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Success in Two Words

Success in two Words 
If this is your first time with me you can check out my intro Blog, so you can see what Tomorrow Won’t Suck is all about.

Today I want to talk about two things that lead to a successful career. They are going to seem obvious once they are said, but hopefully I can give you a different perspective (especially in regards to one of them). The two things, words in this case, are motivation and passion. Motivation I feel is a bit easier to understand, but passion seems to get escape some people.

Passion is the term that I feel gets a bit lost in translation for people. First lets go back to high school for a second, and plug the definition in here. Passion is “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept,” (Merriam-Webster). What I feel happens to many of us, is we all like so many things, that it is hard to pin something down that brings us the most joy. Then you add in our indecisive natures and the wonderful ability that our brain has of not thinking linearly. You have this wonderful concoction called Chaos, which makes it hard to really figure out what is best for us. I personally feel, that as long as you truly enjoy something you can be happy doing it. It doesn’t have to be you most enjoyed, but if it is still a passion you will be perfectly fine.

We live in an age where if someone doesn’t understand something, they are not always the most understanding of the concept. So everyone has their own predetermined path of success, which most parents also have ideas for their children that are passed down. What I feel happens is that we are molded into thinking and accepting someone else’s path of success. For example, you may love to cook, but your family is composed of professors, lawyers, and bankers. They don’t think of that as a truly great career, and it starts to change your own path of success.

Now because of fear, you have lost your path and your true passions. You see yourself doing something because of different reasons, which were not originally important to you. If you want to blog for a living, cook, start a charitable cause, or anything just go out and do it. We only have one life to live, and we should not be out there making someone else’s dream come true. You should be doing what you love, and to make it profitable and successful it takes a LOT of hard work and a lot of the second word/concept I want to talk about.

Motivation, this is the driving force in your life. A lot of people either lose this or just don’t know what to be motivated about. Something I have always found cool where personality tests. People place different amounts of merit on these things, but I have always found them very cool and interesting (you can go here for a very good personality test). This can better help you to understand yourself, at least, which is always nice. Doing things that are out of the norm truly take a lot of hard work. Just starting this endeavor now has been more work than I initially thought. Coming up with things to talk about all the time and making the videos for my YouTube channel. Add this with the fear of the unknown, and it truly leaves people in a state of panic to truly pursue things they would love to do.

No matter what you want to do, you just need to take the first scary step. You will get lots of funny looks when you tell people, for example with me that I am just writing a blog and trying to start a motivational cause. I get it all the time, but we live in 2013, we have tons of things that we can use to make a living from anywhere on any schedule. I don’t need a boss, besides the wife, telling me what to do in order to feel like I am being successful. Just keep at it, things take time and the usually don’t happen over night. Lets have a better tomorrow guys, if you need anything message me.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for that, I appreciate it. You are my first public commenter, so double thanks!
