Saturday, March 2, 2013


Tomorrow Won’t Suck: Heroes

If this is your first time with me you can check out my intro Blog, so you can see what Tomorrow Won’t Suck is all about.

I have a couple of heroes that I look up to: My grandfather, the late Steve Jobs (who has a wonderful biography), Jamie Dimon, and finally, the one person who I feel personifies everything that I would want to be as a successful adult, Ellen DeGeneres.

I think Ellen is the personification of what I want to achieve with Tomorrow Won’t Suck. Just recently in this past month of February she was “spreading the kindness”, which she does almost every day not just one month of the year, she helped countless people. From families in need because of disease taking control, to single parent families where the mom/dad finds themselves working multiple jobs just to keep their family going. She is a true motivation.

While we cannot all help in the way Ellen does; writing incredible checks or dropping briefcases full of money. We can all help in some way; take your time to be aware of people in need who are around you. Take the time the next time you are at the store to see if someone needs help. Maybe one of the elderly needs some help loading the groceries in their car, or maybe you notice someone drop something. Take the second to bend down and grab it for them. Little things really do go a long way, you feel good and they will feel good because you helped.

It’s funny how we all become just so involved with ourselves that we forget how we are all sharing this world together, and we could all benefit from thinking about things that way. So spend the time to spread some kindness, you wont regret it.

I would love to talk with you guys about some of your heroes, maybe you know someone who I don’t and would love to research and get to know that person, As always, have a good tomorrow guys!