Power of Please and Thank
this is your first time at the blog please check out my introduction post, so
you know what we are about here at Tomorrow Won’t Suck.
off you maybe thinking, How can saying,
Please and/or Thank you help me? I think this specific topic is more like a
spread the happiness and it will come back to you, kind of thing.
live in Texas and it’s apart of the culture, the Southern Charm, that we say it
often. However, even here, over time it begins to leave people’s repertoire. As
people become more involved in their own life or move up the social ladder,
they forget those words. I remember when I went to stay in Boston for a summer.
Whenever I would go out to eat or grab something to drink, my requests were
always punctuated with please and thank you. At one tea shop, I will never for
get this, the worker there was so caught off guard by me saying please she
actually stopped and said, “You know you are paying for this? And I have to do
it.” After explaining that I understood how the service industry worked, and
that I was from Texas, at that I got an audible “Ohhh” (like it all made sense
now), I said thank you and she said that she appreciated the kind words. ** Side note: I lack a southern accent;
usually people cannot tell where I am from. I do say y'all a lot and I am very
proud of that.
to say, someone being so caught off guard by those words is pretty terrible.
That this kind of courtesy, a very common form, had become so alien to someone.
It almost kind of sad, and here at Tomorrow Won’t Suck I cannot stand for that!
Especially with people in the service industry. We all know those are not the
most glamorous of jobs. Usually people working these jobs are in a transition
in life. Normally they are going to school while working here or they have had
a snag in the career field. The latter of the two could use a bit of kindness
since, their self-esteem would be on the low end anyways. They could be the
school going group, and do we really want to teach them that or make them feel
like they are beneath use, because we can’t be bothered to say please or thank
for a bit of ranting, I use to be a server (And so I don’t offend anyone, some
people make a great living in that field and are very happy with what they do).
So what I am getting at is remember the please and thank you. To your peers,
bosses, friends, if you have underlings, and even your children. Spreading that
kindness makes others and yourself feel so much better. I guarantee you will
feel better if you try it out.
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Blog: http://tomorrowwontsuck.blogspot.com/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TomorrowWontSuc --- @TomorrowWontSuc
Article Question: Can you think of
times Please and/or Thank You have helped improve your mood. Or times having
said them have had a noticeable affect on whom you were saying it to?
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